Road Cargo
Place-to-place, door-to-door, our road freight solutions are designed for every complex need.
Continental Cargo Service is built to help our customers distribute their cargo and goods seamlessly across regions and geographic networks. We have structured our Road Freight teams to ensure operational excellence while delivering cost-effective solutions. We work with qualified and diverse subcontractors to understand your need and deliver on them with adherence to compliance, safety and security regulations, professionalism and environmental standards.
Needless to say, Continental Cargo Service Road Freight network can be seamlessly combined with all air and ocean freight products within our worldwide network. Working with us is never a hassle!

Continental Cargo Service advantages in road services:
- Global network of road routes, door-to-door!
- Options to combine air and ocean freight solutions
- Solutions tailored to your industry need and demand
- Affordable and competitive cost of logistics
- Dedicated 24×7 support through the freighting process
- Protection against loss or damage of cargo with customized insurance options
- Automated exception management and alerts designed to improve your supply chain performance